On a World Press Freedom Day, one we are celebrating in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, media have proven to be key actors in the societies, which play one of the most important roles. At these difficult times, media serve to educate citizens and try to protect them from the COVID-19 pandemic, through timely and accurate reporting. At the same time, Media are trying to protect democracies worldwide, at the time when a majority of citizens face some level of human rights limitations caused by the pandemic.
Besides the fact that media are one of the most important pillars of every democratic society, the majority of media are facing with uncertain future. This is the consequence of the global economic collapse, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the time when media are expected to work more than ever and to deliver information as fast as possible, revenues of the vast majority of media do not allow them even basic survival.
This is the reason why Media Association of South-East Europe calls all governments from the region to urgently secure additional funds and forms of support to media, which would allow them to perform their duties in a full scale, and keep their citizens fully, timely and objectively informed.
Vuk Maraš, Executive Director